is a project funded by the European Commission (TEN-Telecom, TSER and Leonardo da Vinci) under the Joint Call orchestrated by the Educational Multimedia Taskforce. The Project is co-ordinated by the University of Stirling, with partners in Finland (Oulu and Lapland), Sweden (Örebro and Karlskrona) and Germany (Stuttgart). The Project Director is Professor Duncan Timms (

Click here for a more in depth description of Schema.

Specific objectives are as follows:

  • To develop and evaluate the use of NetWork Computers™ and a client-server topology based on ISDN for the delivery and support of educational multimedia.
  • To develop and demonstrate a range of multimedia courseware and resourceware designed to meet the needs of professional workers in the community, with an initial emphasis on courses in research methods.
  • To evaluate the use of telematics-based multimedia as a means for the dissemination of curriculum material and for the development of collaborative project-based learning.
  • To investigate the use of CMC as a means of providing student support, enhancing group interaction and encouraging the development of a sense of community.
  • To investigate the feasibility of using the SCHEMA infrastructure as a means of providing access to open and distance learning in remote areas.
  • To contribute to the methodology of educational and social evaluation

photos Click here to see some photos from SCHEMA'S meeting in Oulu, Finland.


Simon Booth Project Manager - Schema
Centre for Research and Development in Learning Technology
University of Stirling, Stirling. FK9 4LA
Tel: +44 (0)1786 467247; Fax: +44 (0)1786 466880; Email:

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